so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

today i am much less bitter....a little bored with school, quite lazy....but not bitter. i should have more days like today....except without me being stupid.....or lazy....or bored.....maybe i shouldn't have more days like today after all. oh well. it's good to be going to bed before midnight. i want it to storm again. in fact, a flood would be swell. not a bad one...just enough so that we can't go to school tomorrow. last night's thunderstorm was absolutely gorgeous, i wish i would have taken more time to enjoy it instead of griping to you folks. just waiting for that rain....right now would be great....okay, think rain!!....ready, now!, two, three, go!......any minute now.......
aw, come on, can't a gal get a break around here?!?!?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

i have a desperate desire to become fluent in french, along with any other language i can learn in my lifetime. i have no idea why. and yet, i cannot help but work towards this goal. what is it that makes me want to become fluent in french? is it just so that i can say i am bilingual? i would think not. hmm...why did i choose to write a blog about this? i have no idea whatsoever. random thoughts when i'm sick and cranky and tired. maybe it's cause my head is spinning and throbbing and i should probably go to bed.
today was a weird day.....woke up with throat swollen, head throbbing, neck aching....the list of ailments goes on and on. taks was easy, so the morning went well because it was just a test, and believe it or not i actually kind of enjoy tests. usually. anywho, as soon as i walked into english i got really frustrated. i get easily irritated with myself when i am sick. and i screwed up this stuff with a paper i had written and turned in yesterday, so all of that crap had to be fixed. and then we did nothing all period. whose idea was it to actually go to class after taks testing? cause it's a load of CRAP. man, reading over what i just said, i kind of sound really gripy and bitter right now. i apoligize for that. i'm really not a bitter person, when i can think coherent thoughts. again with the apology for the sucky blog. i'll try to work on that.

**ick for SATs and useless school days**
**yay for sleep, even if it is only for a few short hours**
**yay for counting crows**
**ick for my crappy blogging skills**
**yay that the weekend will, sooner or later, inevitably come**

Sunday, February 20, 2005

so.....yesterday was cool. i had SATs and UIL solo and ensemble competition. the SAT was just a practice....but it still stunk. and get this: i left my CALCULATOR in my car. so that was fun, doing basic multiplication and division with pencil and paper. the verbal was fairly easy....but the math was really annoying because of the aforementioned stupidity on my part. and the writing was, how should i say....pointless? because my essay was really dumb and i think i'll get a really horrid score on it. anywho, as far as UIL goes.....i got 1's on my ensemble and on my solo!! woot!!! when i found out, i would've been really excited, except i had been woken up from a nap and i couldn't really understand what Nurge was saying on the phone when he told me i got a 1. i was just kind of like, "okay...thanks...bye..." and fell back asleep as soon as i set the phone back down. i slept from about 5 or 6 something to 9 or 10 o'clock, then got woken up by my parents, who were very persistent in asking how i did at solo and ensemble. i was thinking..."don't they realize i'm SLEEPING here? i'm so tired...." but they made me get up. so i watched The Rock -awesome movie, sean connery and nicholas cage rock my face off- until about midnight-ish, after which i went straight to bed and didn't wake up till about 9:45. so that was my day.....i fully intended to actually write some thoughts down in this blog, but none of my thoughts are really coherent right now, cause i kind of went brain dead after yesterday's SAT. i hope my brain is working again tomorrow for school!! lol...anywho, i'm off to do homework...that'll be interesting......

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

life has gone fairly well as of late. mostly comme-ci, comme-ca, but i've had the occasional great day here and there. anywho, there's not really much news to give. my life is boring as ever, as far as you people are concerned. lol. there's the usual....stress about school....putting off essays until the night before they're due.....ya know, the norm.
ooh, one exciting thing, at least for me: this past weekend was my first weekend in about two months. it was weird, not spending the large majority of my waking hours on the show. but it was cool, because for once i got to sleep in on saturday. hmm...what else....oh, i had LISD solo and ensemble a couple of weeks ago (UIL is this saturday! ack!), and i got a one on both!! yay!! which means i lettered in choir!!! yay!! speaking of UIL solo and ensemble this week, please pray that my voice does not give out before then!! i have really been struggling with fatigue vocally, and my song doesn't sound so good whenever i run it right now. ick. so Mireya (my voice teacher) told me that i am not to sing until friday at the earliest. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!?! i honestly don't know how to go a day without singing....even if i don't sing in class, i will find myself singing just while i'm in my car or walking through the halls. this is gonna be really difficile, i can already tell.
well, i am off to finish an essay for english...which is, naturally, due at 12:10 tomorrow. fun stuff, most def. peace out.

Monday, February 07, 2005

well, the show is officially over, and i'm officially bummed out about it. i definitely cried, keila can bear witness to that! i think this will be one of the more memorable experiences in my life, as well as remarkable and rewarding. i'm so blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of this show, it has been completely worth it. i loved it so much, and the people i got to work with are awesome, and i'm just so happy. it's bittersweet, really, because it was so much fun to be a part of it, but the end of it all was inevitable. however, the joy of this experience far outweighs the sadness i feel about leaving it behind....i will be okay once i accept my normal routine. still...i don't really like my normal routine. i think that from now on, my normal routine should be that my routine is not normal. it's like, i need to decide not to just go through the motions....don't throw a moment away out of routineness.....every moment should be to glorify god, which generally means stepping out of the comfort zone and away from the norm.....i want to make it my goal to never have each day be the same as the one before. yes, i'll go to school and do my homework like a "good student," but i also need to do other stuff with my day.
look at me, i'm rambling again. gotta love it. well, rambling tends to mean it's a little too late for kayla to be it's time for me to go to bed. but i would like to reiterate that i loved beauty and the beast and i'm SO SAD it's over!!! tear! :'(

Saturday, February 05, 2005

"one day more...."

so....i'm both excited and depressed. beauty and the beast is going better than i ever would have dreamed it would go, especially the way rehearsals were going just one month ago. so, i'm completely ecstatic on the one hand, because it's gotta be the most amazing production that i have ever had the privilege of taking part in. on the other hand.....we have one more production. one. that's all. then, we're done. done with this amazing, wonderful, marvelous, once-in-a-lifetime experience. there will be many tears. like A LOT. i would seriously pay these people any amount of money available to me if they would let us continue running this show. i am by no means ready for it to be over. i mean, seriously......what on earth will i do after school every day until 11:00 at night?? what is this, you mean i will get to leave while it's still light outside?!?! preposterous!!
no, but for real, it is rather depressing. and i will most definitely cry--which most of you know i don't do often, so if you want to get that rare chance to watch me weep like a little baby, i will be there around, say, 2:30-5:30 ish performing, after which the tears will commence....(i.e., COME SEE THE STINKIN SHOW! IT'S FLIPPIN SWEET!). no but really. you're crazy if you don't come. i mean it.

be assured that there will be sob stories to come in the future.