so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, February 07, 2005

well, the show is officially over, and i'm officially bummed out about it. i definitely cried, keila can bear witness to that! i think this will be one of the more memorable experiences in my life, as well as remarkable and rewarding. i'm so blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of this show, it has been completely worth it. i loved it so much, and the people i got to work with are awesome, and i'm just so happy. it's bittersweet, really, because it was so much fun to be a part of it, but the end of it all was inevitable. however, the joy of this experience far outweighs the sadness i feel about leaving it behind....i will be okay once i accept my normal routine. still...i don't really like my normal routine. i think that from now on, my normal routine should be that my routine is not normal. it's like, i need to decide not to just go through the motions....don't throw a moment away out of routineness.....every moment should be to glorify god, which generally means stepping out of the comfort zone and away from the norm.....i want to make it my goal to never have each day be the same as the one before. yes, i'll go to school and do my homework like a "good student," but i also need to do other stuff with my day.
look at me, i'm rambling again. gotta love it. well, rambling tends to mean it's a little too late for kayla to be it's time for me to go to bed. but i would like to reiterate that i loved beauty and the beast and i'm SO SAD it's over!!! tear! :'(


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