so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

long time, no blogging!!! lol. i've been fairly busy over the break. yesterday and today have been devoted to completing the reading of The Grapes of Wrath....John Steinbeck = the devil......argh. anywho, i'm finishing the book, slowly but surely. and i'll have it done in time. but it's torture just trying to read it. oh well. complaining won't change the situation. i just need to finish it and stop whining. cause, hey.....i'm gonna finish it no matter what it takes. cause that's how i am. so no more whining.

on another note...this break has been amazing. i needed it more than i knew i did. i just needed rest.....i mean, i still do need rest. but i also feel like it's time to return to reality and a set schedule. i need to have something to do. and as much as i don't like certain french teachers, who will remain unnamed......i look forward to the chance to learn more. well, i suppose i shall write more later. bye!!!

new year's resolution:
1. stop being lazy
2. stick to my word
3. get back on my diet hard core!!
4. no more procrastination

the list goes on and on.......


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