so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

"one day more...."

so....i'm both excited and depressed. beauty and the beast is going better than i ever would have dreamed it would go, especially the way rehearsals were going just one month ago. so, i'm completely ecstatic on the one hand, because it's gotta be the most amazing production that i have ever had the privilege of taking part in. on the other hand.....we have one more production. one. that's all. then, we're done. done with this amazing, wonderful, marvelous, once-in-a-lifetime experience. there will be many tears. like A LOT. i would seriously pay these people any amount of money available to me if they would let us continue running this show. i am by no means ready for it to be over. i mean, seriously......what on earth will i do after school every day until 11:00 at night?? what is this, you mean i will get to leave while it's still light outside?!?! preposterous!!
no, but for real, it is rather depressing. and i will most definitely cry--which most of you know i don't do often, so if you want to get that rare chance to watch me weep like a little baby, i will be there around, say, 2:30-5:30 ish performing, after which the tears will commence....(i.e., COME SEE THE STINKIN SHOW! IT'S FLIPPIN SWEET!). no but really. you're crazy if you don't come. i mean it.

be assured that there will be sob stories to come in the future.


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