so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

it's been a long week....each day has felt much longer than it rightfully should have. i haven't slept much because either migraines or the caffeine in my migraine medicine keeps me from falling asleep or staying asleep. also, my mind seems to be running non-stop. i can barely focus in some of my classes because i can't stop and think about one thing at a time. and in the middle of all the stuff going on in my head, life decides to intervene and throw me more than a few curveballs. thankfully, though, last night i had some time to myself so i could think about nothing in particular......and i came to the realization that God is so much bigger than all of the things going on in my life right now. and remembering that changes my perspective as i go through my day. this change of perspective kind of put me back on track today and kept me going when things were "falling apart". i was able to step back and enjoy the good parts of the day and not stress so much over the worse parts.
however...still tired. so, while i'm thinking about it, i'm gonna get into bed especially early!! then i'm going to get up early and enjoy the morning and the rest of the day as much as possible while remembering that i belong to a God who is bigger than everything around me.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

today was another one of those oh-so-frequent bizarre days. i can't really put my finger on why it was so just was. this whole weekend was full of awkward moments. and i'm not looking forward to going to physics tutoring early tomorrow morning, or to the test i have on all of this stuff i missed sometime this week. i hope mr khan can explain what i missed friday well enough for me to not get even more behind in that class than i am. i have decided that, if i can help it, i will never miss a day of physics ever again. anywho......i think i will try to end this weird day early and go to bed before 11:00 for once. that'll be nice. toodles!!!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

okay, we've been trying to figure out this song since's the one that goes:

my heart and flesh cry out
for you the living god
you're spirit's water to my soul
i've tasted and i've seen
come once again to me
i will draw near to you
i will draw near to you

seriously, if anyone knows how the rest of the song goes, please tell me!! it's very frustrating.

--how sad it is that i'm so bothered by not remembering a song that i have to ask about it on my blog?? oh well.

it's weird how one's perspective on life can change so quickly. you go to bed fairly upset about something, and then wake up and realize how trivial it was. this is the story of my life as of late. as i'm growing in my relationship with christ, i'm noticing how little the stuff i worry about really matters. and when i realize that, i'm less stressed, which is good, since i'm almost always stressed about something or other.

i've started changing my mornings this school year. i'm not what one might call a "morning person" per se..... i guess you could say that i love mornings, but i hate waking up. so i made a decision that i wasn't going to waste my mornings sleeping anymore....i'm almost always up early enough to get to school by 7:45. since i wake up earlier, i can take a little bit more time getting ready, and i get to go outside and breathe the morning air--which for some odd reason wakes me up and gives me peace. it sort of starts my day off with the whole "god is god and i'm not" perspective.

i'm also loving bible study this year. i was afraid of the whole homework thing since i get enough of it from school as it is.....but i'm learning more when i get a chance to study the passage prior to the group study. i can't wait to see how i will learn and grow this year.

rock on. laters.