"Jesus You alone shall be my first love, my first love..."
you know those moments in life when you can't quite put your finger on the word for how splendid and lovely it is? moments when you are forced to simply stop. just stop and look at what's around you, listen to it, breathe it all in. enjoy it, for once. those breathtaking moments.
beautiful moments.
i've had a lot of beautiful moments. one was today, sitting beneath a clock tower and writing while the wind blew through the trees and the sunset turned the sky lovely colors. one was the first time here at school that i truly just...laughed--like really laughed, and couldn't stop. some of my beautiful moments wouldn't look so beautiful to an outsider. for example, some have been when i sat alone in my dorm room crying.
but there's a common thread between them. these beautiful moments...they are moments in which i've discovered new pieces of myself i never knew, and moments when i learned new things about the Lord that i never knew. or sometimes re-learned things i allowed myself to forget. each day the Lord opens my eyes to new aspects of Himself, and of myself. the ways he does this aren't always pretty, but they're always...beautiful.
what a wonderful thing to be able to delight in on a daily basis.