so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, August 21, 2006

first day of class today. you could say it was pretty exciting. :)

i'm kind of mellow right now...not in a bad way, i've just got a lot on my mind. today for the first time since i got here i had a few minutes to just stop and recognize the beauty of my surroundings. i mean, i knew that i loved this campus, but that kind of got shoved to the back of my mind with all the stresses of moving in and starting school. imagine that...i'm in the middle of this great place, God's beauty everywhere just proclaiming His might...and i overlook it. because i let myself get too stressed. how dumb am I? but yeah...God is great. He's just right here. with me. faithful. LOVE IT.

classes were cool today. i have some amazing teachers--some of them eccentric, perhaps, but amazing nonetheless. i know i will learn and grow a lot this semester. i have to laugh, though, at one particular situation: i am stuck in a beginner piano class, with people who have never taken before. now, i wouldn't mind at all, but i opened the book to the chapter we were told to review just now, and realized: this is the same material from the books i've been TEACHING out of all year. and now i'm "learning" it. the professor asked if there were any advanced students in the class, and said he would get me into an accelerated one on tuesdays and thursdays, but i think he forgot...well, thus is life! but it's okay, cause i made a friend in that class, and she's UBER cool! we actually have three classes together! :) and our schedules are fairly similar, so we're gonna start working out together. i made friends in my psych class too. so far i still even remember their names--and trust me, that's a feat. i've met a lot of new people this week.

i have FRIENDS. yay.

i ate at the cafe for the first time today. THAT was an adventure. well not really. but it WAS the first time i've felt full since i've been here. so...a plus!

okay. back to homework. i'm not saving it all for tomorrow, or the next day, or the weekend. nope. NOW.

who AM i?


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