so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Friday, July 07, 2006

"take the shackles off my feet so i can dance"

holland starts wednesday.

i've never been more excited/scared/freaked out in my entire life. mostly scared...but also very, VERY excited. and still so completely not sure why God has me of all people on this trip. but He wants me there, or i wouldn't be i go. and however freaked out, confused, scared, or excited i get, He's right there with me. watching over me...working in and through me in ways i can't even imagine...yep. i'm psyched. it's one of those things that just makes your heart beat really hard and really fast when you stop to think about it. and the words just can't come out fast enough, and you can't seem to form know, that kind of excited. so you just sit, and you smile...and you let it come. let God work. how totally and completely awesome is this going to be?!?!?! i'm beginning to think all those daydreams about it don't come close. okay, i'm going now...officially too excited for words. TTFN!!! hehe :)


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