so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

"and if your words are true or not, i'll die tryin to prove them."

i love that God is faithful. i love those days that i'm just going through all this crap and He's just like, "hey, i'm right here." He has made His presence so evident in my life as of is truly a prayer answered. and it is changing my life, every day. i LOVE it. cause the thing is, there are some things in my life that i don't like so much--some things that aren't what i would call "pleasant." but there's an indescribable...hope. i've always been an anxious person, but those worries have been replaced with hope, no matter what the outcome of the situation. you could say that God is teaching me a bit of perspective, among other things. and i am definitely realizing how much of a daily war we wage here on earth. that in part has helped me to focus a lot more on the reality that is today rather than my musings and worries about the future. God is right here, right now, with us...growing's amazing. why think about tomorrow when He's RIGHT HERE? i wish i remembered that more often. yikesabee i LOVE GOD!!!

"my God, my God, why hast thou accepted me? it's the mystery of mercy and the song, the song that i sing." --caedmon's call


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