so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, August 28, 2006

"looks like somebody's got a case of the mondays."

mondays may very well become the death of me.

i mean, they already are what they are just because, hey, they're mondays. but now it's oh so much more than that.

i used to wake up early because i enjoy it. sleep in only when necessary--i hate sleeping in cause then you have that weird feeling like you've lost your day...anyway. now i wake up early because i have no choice. i get ready, get to my 10:00 class early, you know, the usual. then i proceed for the next ELEVEN HOURS of my day to rehearse music and cram my mind full of information, almost nonstop. two separate hour-long breaks within that period. i am not free until 9 PM. remember, i wake up at 7 AM. then there's studying and working out. ACK! is just about all i can say for mondays.

" you like...stuff?"


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