stealth bombshell.
okay so the turnout wasn't really what we expected but the halloween party was still so much fun!!! i was trying to decide for like the longest time what i should dress up as...and then this evening i figured it out. i decided to be sydney bristow from alias!!! (i have to admit, i kind of stole the idea from kelsey, but what can i say, it was a great idea!) so i got dressed up and colored my hair blue with massive amounts of was pretty sweet. i had so much fun. BAH!!!! i have 6 days left to prepare for pre-area auditions. but it's okay. i'll be okay. phew...glad that's out of my system.
my brain is so FRIED because i haven't gotten sufficient sleep in a while and i've been reading Hamlet all day. now, don't get me wrong, i love shakespeare...but i'm not good at cramming shakespeare. i have to take my time with it, so reading 1 1/2 acts in 2 hours is just too much for me...and now i can't even think. plus my choir concert was last night. it was SO much fun, but kind of stressful. i had a good time, it was just...long. and i got home really late, and then i couldn't sleep. so's about time for me to get back to class. more lata.
"Yet, if we were truly men and women of prayer, our faces set like flint and our hearts laid waste by passion, we would discard our excuses. We would be done with blaming others.
sol...sorry i didn't post this yesterday, it was kind of a long day. i had to be at flower mound high school at 8 am for my region phase 2 auditions...ack! and when i got there and registered, i discovered that i was number 34 out of 36 girls...i would have to wait all day to sing. so, we were sequestered in the auditorium, drinking lots of water and singing all of our fun choir songs from class or playing cards to entertain ourselves. i sang at like 1 something...i don't remember the time...just that i was hungry...and it went fairly well. i mean, my throat was dry, so my voice cracked a little on a note and i almost ran out of breath in one spot but i made up for it. and i was VERY pleased with my sightreading...overall i was satisfied with the audition. i didn't freak out this time.
haha so that last post was ended very abruptly cause the bell rang as i was typing!!! i mean i was pretty much done but it was still funny cause i didn't exactly get to really conclude the post or anything. it was weird. but w/e. THE END!!! muahahahaha!!!
my bro came home last night!!!! and in about twenty minutes or so he and my mom are coming to bring me lunch...flippin sweet!!! i'm excited. then tonight we're gonna go see Wicked in dallas. i have always enjoyed listening to the soundtrack, and i can't wait to see the show performed.
in explanation of the previous entry...i had region choir auditions was a very stressful ordeal. i spent hours waiting to audition. i missed teaching TNT. i spent hours after my audition waiting to find out the results (by the time they came, we were all delirious, singing songs about the results list...long story...). room was the first to have the results posted. and....dum dum dum....i got freaking fourth chair our of my room of 36 alto 2's!!! hence the HOLY FREAKING CRAP!! so okay the chair doesn't really matter until 2nd phase but it's still really awesome and i'm really excited and really scared about 2nd phase and OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!!! ack this is so exciting!!! okay so i have to go now because alex is badgering me about spending too much time blogging. apparently it's a "huge waste of time"....blech. i like it. yay blogging!!! and we get the cuts today for phase 2 of region! eek!! wish me luck!! farewell!
i leave momentarily for my region choir audition. eek! i'm nervous. and excited. i dunno. well, wish me luck!!! catch y'all on the flip side...
so i was discussing this with amanda last this point i pretty much think i'll probably go one of two directions with my life: directing choirs or teaching english. both on the high school level. the thing is...