"yay ghetto fabulous!"
in short, this week has been...short. ha. cause it feels like it hasn't even been a break. it's really been more like a weekend. and now i have like a flippin day left before i go back to cursed school...i can't stand it! oh well. i'll get over it. i just need to finish a LOT of work within the next 36 hours or so...and then i'll be home free. actually i probably have a little bit more than 36 hours on some of the work...and a little bit less on some of it. but whatever. in any case, it just feels like this break wasn't even official. until today...today felt break-y. finally. OH and by the way whoever decided to make all of the deadlines for college stuff right after thanksgiving break should seriously rethink that. cause...it makes me very unhappy. i mean...yeah...i'm sure i'll have it all in on time. but it just makes me sad that i had to use my break time to work on essays and stuff instead of...oh, i don't know...RELAXING?!?! but, hey, that's life. and i still got to hang out with my bro, and with my new puppy, during the time spent procrastinating on said essays. so okay i feel like this whole blog has been whiny. I'M REALLY HAPPY!!! despite the work and all that crap, can i just say that life is grand??? and that (and this is weird but cool) i'm not stressed about college apps???? all the "stressful" stuff is just whizzing by and all the important stuff is coming into focus. it's flippin awesome. yay life!!!!
ooh and yay christmas tree ornaments...we get new ones every year. last year mine was a My Little Pony...this year it's Frodo Baggins. I love my mom.