so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

"i'm sorry but where i come from p and m do NOT sound the same."

so i dunno i guess i feel like i haven't really written about life in a while, just kind of been writing some dumb blogs to fill up space... life is pretty darn good if you ask me. i'm actually confused most of the time, but hey, that kind of seems of be, um, THE STORY OF MY LIFE so i'll get over it. um...i've just kind of been relaxing a lot lately. it's been really nice. i've been reading a lot. believe it or not, i hadn't read anything in a while...i hadn't found the time to. but i found the time again, and remembered how much i love to just curl up in a warm blanket with a good book, for hours at a's bliss. and you know what i was thinking today? or actually i've been thinking it for a while... i'm a totally different person than i was a year ago. i mean, okay, i'm still me, but a lot has changed, for the better. for one, this is the first year in the history of EVER that i haven't been so stressed out and tired by this time in the school year that i just give up. if that sentence made any sense...basically, what i mean is i haven't given up this time. and i don't intend to...and that's a nice feeling. and i think God is making me much more aware of Himself in everything around me...from the biggest of things to the smallest, i am starting to really realize how faithful He is, and how vast He is, and...ugh. He is really stretching me, and it is the most exhilarating thing i've ever experienced. and it's like...the teeny stupid problems that used to seem huge...just don't, anymore. they actually just seem kind of amusing. and... overall... i think God is just teaching me what is truly important, you know? i dunno where i'm going with this, i'm just rambling...but, dude. i don't think i have ever felt more ready and willing to do His will. God has a plan for me...plans for a hope and a future...and i'm freaking excited. i can't wait to see where it leads.


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