so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Friday, March 25, 2005

gosh, i haven't posted in a while. well, my birthday went really well!! heath-a, my parents, and i all went to this japanese steakhouse thing. it was really cool, and the food was delicious. i'd never been to a restaurant like that before, and it was fun to watch the guy making our food right in front of us. cool beans, man. afterwards heath and i went to go see ice princess, which was actually kind of good! then we came back to my house and watched some of alias season 1 !!! woot!! for those of you who don't know.....i'm totally obsessed with that show. it's my flavorite!!!! then on sunday heath, becca d., and i went to grapevine mills to find me a prom dress. i tried on quite a few, but in the end i found one and i'm so excited!!
on monday i had breakfast with my buddy steph!! and then we worked on the script for our mockumentary. after that becki and i went and rented 10 things i hate about you (flippin sweht movie!!!) and the perfect score. good times. lol
tuesday i kind of lounged around the house, mostly watching alias!!! then i went to the camp out around 5:00, which was such a blast!!! except, i didn't get any sleep. what stinks is, i was trying to sleep, but i just couldn't, so the hours just passed really slowly (not to mention i was freezing!!) and then i saw someone light the fire around 5:45 so i went out there to warm up!! then we ate croissants and cereal and burned the containers. not necessarily the best idea ever, but still fun. anywho, i got home around 10 wednesday morning, now sick, and decided to go to bed. i watched alias for an hour or so cause i couldn't get to sleep, but then finally i dozed off and i awoke at 6:00ish with offers of pizza!! yum.....then my family watched the incredibles (at least part of it anyway) and i went to bed around 2ish, after still more alias.
yesterday was spent with the fam, shopping and lunch and whatnot. then my 6th grade girls came over to my house around 7:30 and we had our sleepover!! it was so much fun. however, as fun as it was, i honestly did not expect these girls to be able to hold out till 5 AM. it was crazy, it was like they weren't even tired!! i woke up at about 9ish, and now i'm exhausted. so...yeah.....that's what's been going on in my life this past week. oh, and i learned a new song on guitar!! woot!! ryan's in town for easter, so he gave me a new song to work on. i still stink at it, but hey, at least i'm making progress, right? anywho, since this blog has been fairly long.....i'll shut up now. lol. more later!!!! hope everyone's having a fantabulous spring break!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

not much to say tonight......i'm really tired. this has been a week of late nights and unfinished homework and stress over pre-cal and french and falling asleep in class.......ugh. i'm SO relieved that i only have one more day before spring break. really. hopefully, i will get enough sleep to be awake tomorrow in my classes. it will probly feel like a really long day, as i'll be counting down the minutes before i leave the school. it's gonna be weird....this will be my first birthday which does not fall during spring break in my entire life. and of course there will be the usual stuff with my creepy counselor coming to wish me happy birthday. for serious, he creeps me out. anywho, i plan on going to see Ice Princess (lol) tomorrow evening, and i'm dying to have steak, so for dinner i think i'll go get a steak. yum!! i can't wait. really, i want to just skip the next 18 hours or so and go eat STEAK!! is that a weird craving to have? perhaps. anywho, i'm gonna go to bed, cause i'm SO TIRED, but it's likely i won't be able to sleep because for some reason i am really energetic right now and my mind is just running like crazy. have a good day everybody!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

so....exams were....interesting. i am really happy with my pre-cal grade, though. i guess studying all night every night for a week before the test kind of pays off. the rest of my classes were so-so....i don't know how i did on french yet. english was extremely difficult. anywho, i am glad that exams are over, and also that spring break starts friday afternoon!! i think after waiting for spring break to come for so long, it's like, all of a sudden, it's pretty much here. cool. i'm pumped about it. i've been working all day on cleaning my room and bathroom and whatnot, and it's actually been kind of fun!! my room is so nice and clean...and i did pilates...i love days when you just feel like you've accomplished a lot. and it's only 4:15, so i've got a lot of time left to get more stuff done!! my plan is to finish all the cleaning i need to do, then practice my piano stuff some more, then finish my french homework (grr for teachers who give homework right after an exam. and get this, the homework is corrections on our exam!!!). then this evening i can go to a movie or something, i dunno. anywho......good day. really. it makes me happy to clean!!! i hope you all have a splendiferous day!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

i don't really have much to say today, except that i've been stressing about exams. so, naturally, i put on some good music. and i had one of those moments where i'm listening to a cd that i've probly listened to a thousand times, yet not noticed the words on some songs. i listened to the words on this one, and was just like, "wow. that's pretty sweht." anywho, here it is.

The Economy Of Mercy-Switchfoot

There's just two ways to lose yourself in this life
And neither way is safe
In my dreams I see visions of the future
But today we have today

And where will I find You?
And where will I find You?

In the economy of mercy
I am a poor and begging man
In the currency of grace
Is where my song begins
In the colors of Your goodness
In the scars that mark Your skin
In the currency of grace
Is where my song begins

These carbon shells
These fragile dusty frames
House canvases of souls
We are bruised and broken masterpieces
But we did not paint ourselves

And where will I find you?
Where will I find you?

In the economy of mercy
I am a poor and begging man
In the currency of grace
Is where my song begins
In the colors of Your goodness
In the scars that mark your skin
In the currency of grace
Is where my song begins

Where was I when the world was made?
Where was I when the world was made?
Where was I when the world was made?
Where was I?

I'm lost without You here
Yes, I’m lost without You here
I'm lost without You here
You knew my name when the world was made

so cool. i'm totally having a switchfoot moment. awesome.

that's all i got. good luck on exams, those of you who have them!! those of you who don't.....grrr. lol. but seriously.

Monday, March 07, 2005

life's boring....mid-terms this week.....same-old, same-old. i need some spontaneity in my life. for serious. otherwise, i'm just gonna stay bored. i decided last night that i really wish i had some time each day when i could be completely alone, sitting at a piano, making music. alone, so i don't think about anyone who might be listening, it's just for me. just me expressing my emotions through my passion of music. me and God. so yeah, that's my dream, to have a time set aside each day to make music by myself. i cherish those moments. gotta love it!! later guys.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

if my life were a movie, it would most definitely be Singin' in the Rain.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

what is it about this week that everyone i know is getting hurt?? long story, but basically, about five or six of my friends have gotten seriously emotionally hurt of my friends lost her brother....stuff like that all around. it makes me really sad. please pray for those who are hurting right now.

on a happier note, it looks like i may not suck at life as much as i thought i did. but i do need to start being more responsible about homework again. i'm already starting in that direction....but some damage has been done to my grade in my french class, because in the midst of a lot of stuff that's going on, school is a low priority, and french is the lowest priority of my classes because it is 4th period, so i can finish up homework at school sometime before then, and because it does not count towards my GPA. i have managed to bring my pre-cal grade back up to an A (yay!). it's a low A, but it's an A nonetheless, and that makes me happy. english is going alright, i'm so glad i have an understanding teacher. she takes our lives and our other classes into account and allows us to turn in things late if we don't make it a habit.

i'm really bummed because i've been sick lately, literally for at least 2 months now. but it never really got that bad until this week. now my voice is almost completely gone. i have two weeks before my choir goes to pre-UIL competition, and i can't sing. curses!!

anywho, that's all i got for today, will write more later!!! adios, tout le monde!!!