gosh, i haven't posted in a while. well, my birthday went really well!! heath-a, my parents, and i all went to this japanese steakhouse thing. it was really cool, and the food was delicious. i'd never been to a restaurant like that before, and it was fun to watch the guy making our food right in front of us. cool beans, man. afterwards heath and i went to go see ice princess, which was actually kind of good! then we came back to my house and watched some of alias season 1 !!! woot!! for those of you who don't know.....i'm totally obsessed with that show. it's my flavorite!!!! then on sunday heath, becca d., and i went to grapevine mills to find me a prom dress. i tried on quite a few, but in the end i found one and i'm so excited!!
on monday i had breakfast with my buddy steph!! and then we worked on the script for our mockumentary. after that becki and i went and rented 10 things i hate about you (flippin sweht movie!!!) and the perfect score. good times. lol
tuesday i kind of lounged around the house, mostly watching alias!!! then i went to the camp out around 5:00, which was such a blast!!! except, i didn't get any sleep. what stinks is, i was trying to sleep, but i just couldn't, so the hours just passed really slowly (not to mention i was freezing!!) and then i saw someone light the fire around 5:45 so i went out there to warm up!! then we ate croissants and cereal and burned the containers. not necessarily the best idea ever, but still fun. anywho, i got home around 10 wednesday morning, now sick, and decided to go to bed. i watched alias for an hour or so cause i couldn't get to sleep, but then finally i dozed off and i awoke at 6:00ish with offers of pizza!! yum.....then my family watched the incredibles (at least part of it anyway) and i went to bed around 2ish, after still more alias.
yesterday was spent with the fam, shopping and lunch and whatnot. then my 6th grade girls came over to my house around 7:30 and we had our sleepover!! it was so much fun. however, as fun as it was, i honestly did not expect these girls to be able to hold out till 5 AM. it was crazy, it was like they weren't even tired!! i woke up at about 9ish, and now i'm exhausted. so...yeah.....that's what's been going on in my life this past week. oh, and i learned a new song on guitar!! woot!! ryan's in town for easter, so he gave me a new song to work on. i still stink at it, but hey, at least i'm making progress, right? anywho, since this blog has been fairly long.....i'll shut up now. lol. more later!!!! hope everyone's having a fantabulous spring break!!!