theme song of my life: "The End of All Things" -Howard Shore,
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. it's just instruments, no words. but the message that the music itself gives is stronger than words. i want my life to be like that. like words are only used when necessary. instead, my behavior should stand out, as should my love for others. tonight, a friend and i talked about how we as christians are supposed to be known by our love. i want my love to send as powerful a message as that piece of music. a message that moves the heart. we glorify god with our love. it hurts my own heart when i recognize the times that i am not glorifying god in my life. we are told to worship him. it isn't a request, it's a command. if we don't, the rocks will cry out. the freaking rocks!! that's a bigger deal than we make it. my prayer for a long time has been that i would never look at the christian walk as following rules. it's so much more than that. it's a relationship with god. it's the holy spirit living through us. being humans, we cannot be like christ as we are called to be. we must allow the spirit live through us, cause if we don't how the heck are we supposed to live an abundant life, and one that is pleasing to god? the point is, we are supposed to be dependent on him. i know i've said that so many times. but the point is it's true. and i'm writing it so much, half because i want to tell everyone, and half to remind myself of it. it helps me to write that kind of stuff down--helps me figure out my own thoughts on stuff. anywho, i suppose that's enough of my ramblings for now. i'll ramble on some other time.
Faites-moi savoir que je suis vivant.
Laissez-moi tomber dans la grace.
Vous m'aimez davantage que je sais.
Je vous donne toute la gloire.
Oh Seigneur, vous etes saint.
Je suivrai votre volonte.
Je ne sais pas ce
qui se trouve en avant, mais
vous etes pres de moi.
Je ne dois pas me cacher.