so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, April 28, 2008

i don't mind singing

so for the past week or two i've been really emotional and overly worrisome. some old wounds have been reopened and the healing process is difficult. and ultimately, i know it's not the wisest thing in the world to dwell on stuff like that. but i am guilty of it anyway. i had kind of been bottling it up, and i finally talked to a good friend about it. she said she noticed the way i'd been acting and she had guessed the cause of it. and, over the course of the conversation, one thing she said really stood out:

"haven't you heard of that calming peace only Christ can give you?"

wow. i was just like...yeah, of course i've heard of it. i've experienced it before. but what she said really hit me hard because i know what she was getting at, and i know that she is right. i have not been leaning on Him for peace and comfort and hope, and all the other wonderful blessings He gives. i am well aware that this is a habit of mine. i go through phases: i start out fine. but then hard times happen, and i am far too proud to admit that i NEED His peace. i try to work it all out on my own...which of course doesn't work. and inevitably, the Lord calls to my heart, telling me what i should know by now: what He offers is far better.

vicious cycle, anyone??

i hate that i keep getting caught in this cycle. but, there is one part of it that i am thankful for: the Lord always calls out to me. just because i ignore him doesn't mean He ignores me. that's pretty great. so...the situations that caused my worry still exist. but the Lord called out to my heart today. and, i freaking amazing is that?!?!