it's been a long week....each day has felt much longer than it rightfully should have. i haven't slept much because either migraines or the caffeine in my migraine medicine keeps me from falling asleep or staying asleep. also, my mind seems to be running non-stop. i can barely focus in some of my classes because i can't stop and think about one thing at a time. and in the middle of all the stuff going on in my head, life decides to intervene and throw me more than a few curveballs. thankfully, though, last night i had some time to myself so i could think about nothing in particular......and i came to the realization that God is so much bigger than all of the things going on in my life right now. and remembering that changes my perspective as i go through my day. this change of perspective kind of put me back on track today and kept me going when things were "falling apart". i was able to step back and enjoy the good parts of the day and not stress so much over the worse parts.
however...still tired. so, while i'm thinking about it, i'm gonna get into bed especially early!! then i'm going to get up early and enjoy the morning and the rest of the day as much as possible while remembering that i belong to a God who is bigger than everything around me.