so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

"well, tell that to the ficus."

so it's pretty warm outside right? actually some pretty darn amazing weather. i love it. but get this: my house either doesn't have heat, or they're not running it. in fact, they've been running the AC all week! even when it was frigid outside, it was colder in our room! i've felt so ridiculous the past few days, wearing a sweater to bed, and wearing light layers around the house, then shedding a layer once i walk outside! even on cold days my CAR is warmer than my room. it's ridiculous.

all semester i've felt like my life has been kind of like a sitcom. this is just one of the ways in which it could be so. but hey, at least i'm laughing!!! ah, the stories i could tell. good memories. well, some of them. ;)


At 10/29/2006 07:32:00 PM, Blogger spartacus21 said...

out here we view 65 as freezing so we all walk around with huge jackets on!


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