so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

"whatever i have, wherever i am, i can make it through anything in the One who makes me who i am."

i'm the biggest klutz in the world.

yesterday it rained a TON here in huntsville...and i was very pleased about that, naturally. cause i pretty much adore the rain. but i was in a not so great mood walking to choir because i had all this stuff on my mind and felt like i didn't even have time to THINK...that's just kind of how mondays are for me. so busy i can't even process full thoughts. but anywho. the point of my story. :) i get to the music building and there's this massive puddle--but not too massive that one couldn't jump it. so, of course, i attempt to jump it.
and i WIPE OUT. it was hysterical. i wanted to just sit there and laugh for a while but i was running late, so i got up and went to choir, with my jeans soaked i might add!!! and i didn't really see a point to my umbrella anymore so i put that away. by the time i got up the steps and into the building i was drenched and my shoes squeaked on the tile floor. ha. i think i got a few funny stares...
it was pure greatness. definitely put me in a better mood for like the rest of the day.

and on a slightly other note...thinking about my clumsiness reminded me of another clumsy day in holland. when a soccer ball got away from me while i was sitting in a chair, so i reached back to get it...and then fell out of the chair...
i'm sure those who were there remember it. :) especially since they didn't know i was reaching for anything, they just thought i was an idiot who couldn't stay in my chair!!! oh, holland...

...on a completely other note...i'm going through some personal storms right now. beautifully enough, they're teaching me to trust and love my Lord so much more. but as i'm in the middle of my storms...i could use some prayer from my friends. i would appreciate it a lot. i love y'all!!! SOO so much. more updates on my clumsy life later. :)


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