so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, October 16, 2006

"take my feet and let them move at the impulse of Thy love"

...i went home this weekend. i'm SOOO glad i did. loved it. got to see my parents, and my brother, and some of my good friends...all very happy stuff. again very hard to tear away from at the end of the weekend--wanted to get back to school, but wanted to stay for like another week. basically i wouldn't mind just staying at home for like ever. but then i'd miss it here. so i guess i will settle for thoroughly enjoying every moment i get to spend there, and then coming back here and living my life because...this is where i need to be right now. so yeah. cool.

...God's grace is amazing. nuff said...or is it?

...i'm learning. i'm growing. it's hard.


but it's perty cool. yep...pretty incredible to see the person i'm becoming through the most difficult things i'm facing...cause it seems like those are the ones that have allowed me to grow the most.

...i am finding who i am in Christ in some really interesting ways.

...i have the most amazing roommate ever. it is the most encouraging thing to come home to someone who knows me and cares about me and what's going on in my life and can actually relate to it. SO glad to call her my friend and sister!

i also have some incredible friends back home whom i love OH so much and who are a constant encouragement in my life...i am so thankful for all of them!!! i am so blessed to have them in my life, even if they are far away most of the time. it is my joy to have them as friends. is difficult for me, more difficult than i've ever found it to be. sometimes i honestly believe that i'm not going to get by. i mean, i'm doing fine with the academics so far, it's actually my voice lessons that have become the biggest challenge for me. so yes...i'm scared that i will ultimately have wasted my time here because i will fail.

but i'm working on it.

i know that a lot of freshmen get overworked and overstressed, and i especially do so very easily. so i'm working on not letting myself stress out about it, and just doing the best that i can. i really am doing the best that i can. it just makes me sad, i think that perhaps here, where i love it so much, the best that i can may just be not near good enough for them.

if it isn't, i am confident the Lord will direct me in where to go next. and when i consider that...when i honestly take that to fears really are eased. it's just a matter of me actually remembering who God is. and that's a daily struggle for me, i'll admit it. sometimes hourly, if i'm having a hard day. but for today...i choose to have joy in the hope of His glory, and remember that He is faithful to direct my path now and always.

...sorry for the long blog. i think through things best sometimes by writing. :) have a lovely day all! much love. :)


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