so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

"i'm finding that You and You alone can break my fall"

so my headaches have been pretty well under control for a long time. in fact, i kind of forgot for a while just how bad they used to be...i read some blogs i had written like two years ago and was like, wow. they were really bad.

well even though i've still been taking my meds and all that...the headaches have been coming back. i'm not exactly positive of the source, but i'm tending to think it's just the stress of starting my freshman year of college. i'm thinkin that might do the trick. then i wonder how bad they would be if i didn't have my meds...and i'm thankful. but i was really concerned last night--i had to ask a friend to drive my car home from rehearsal because i felt a little bit like passing out.

i really hope this doesn't continue for long. i don't want to remember sophomore and junior years of high school THAT much.


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