so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Your love will never change..."


general concensus here at Sam...and probably with all college folk right about now...

...we're all tired.

yep. that's basically what you get when you ask someone how they are. "i'm fine...i'm really tired." "I should go to bed earlier." stuff like that. not that we ever actually do anything to fix the tiredness. i think my average hours of sleep have progressively gotten fewer and fewer as the weeks wear on. totally not good for the health, i know. but each day it just seems like when i'm not in class, i'm doing work for a class and then just barely fitting in time to eat...and then i've got to cram in working out and studying and any general time doing something OTHER than class in the early morning hours or late late at night. so that ends up usually leaving only the wee hours of the morning for kayla's sleepy time. then sometimes if i'm totally exhausted there's a power nap between classes...but then the studying gets behind and the whole schedule's thrown off, so...better just not to mess with THAT.

i don't think there exists a way to "catch up" on this kind of sleep deprivation. but i would like to have just one full night of sleep. sometime. cause then...maybe i could function normally, you know, without all the yawning and the droopy eyelids. :)

on a totally different's a gorgeous day in huntsville today. wish i could go out and just enjoy it for a while rather than being cooped up writing a lab report--gross. everyone have an absolutely lovely day!! and get more rest than us college folk, okay?


At 9/19/2006 04:11:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Once you lose sleep, it's GONE. There's no way to make it up.


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