so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"cause now it's time to get out of the desert and into the sun...even if it's alone"

--i TOLD alice there is a cricket in my dorm that won't shut up, and i can't find it to kill it. alice doesn't believe me. and you know what????

...that darn cricket is still chirping.

--in choir we got our copies of Faure's Requiem today. copies that we get to keep for ourselves forever and ever with all of our notes written in it...what a treasure. and it even SMELLS wonderful. like that old book smell. except it's new...

--on days when our choir class is longer by a half hour, the head choir director at SHSU, Dr. Allen Hightower III, comes in and teaches us for a while. he's teaching us this absolutely GORGEOUS piece. i nearly come to tears every time we sing it, because the music is just that beautiful, and...because this dude knows what it means to really CONNECT when you're making music. to make music come alive between the people who are making it. i really admire that. anywho...these are some quotes of his that i'd like to share.

"When you say you're an 'artist,' it means that you take your craft so sensitively that you are sensitive to every nuance of it."

"I'm very interested in you as individuals understanding that the music is not (**looking at page of music**) THIS. (**looks up**) The music is US."

**points to a guys music** "Look at me! The music isn't there!"

"How meaningful to do something for someone who is powerless to return the favor."

"Never forget Whose you are."

--today has been nice so far. more low-key than the first few days of the week...which made me think i would never catch back up sometimes. but here i sit, with only one thing to do...relax a little bit. :) well, AND try to finish decorating my room. but that's part of the afternoon relaxation routine. yay for relaxation.


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