so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

"grace's amazing hands, they hold me"

lately i've been thinking...

...that it's pretty much the most encouraging thing in the world to watch a new sister in Christ learn what in means to grow in Him. to see her unafraid to admit her mistakes and so incredibly willing to learn from hear her just so READY to learn all she can about her see her love freely and unwaveringly, in a way she wasn't able to's just beautiful. inspiring. and like i said, the most encouraging thing i've a really long time.

...that i want to finish the songs i have written and am writing. well i guess technically that would make me still in the process of writing all of them. but the thing is...i want to finish them. it's like i've got these big pieces of my heart sitting in a journal doing nothing, just...sitting there...begging to be completed. and i want to complete them, and to share them.

...that sometimes it truly is really hard to motivate yourself to do schoolwork, even if you are that weird girl who always liked school. i guess that's just the nature of the beast.

...that this weekend i laughed more than i have in what feels like a really, really long time.

...that every time i leave flower mound i feel like a piece of my heart's being ripped out. it's literally one of the hardest things i have to do, but i love being able to come back and visit sometimes. is it normal for me to get sick to my stomach when i have to say goodbye--again--to people i love? it's just tiring.

...that i'm so so SO very thankful for every single person at Crossroads Bible Church. you have all helped encourage me in so many ways throughout my life and continue to do so even have all been the most incredible blessing, truly. i treasure every moment with every single one of you.

...that i'm SO incredibly thankful for the friendships i have made here at SHSU. God REALLY knew what He was doing on that one...i don't know what i would have done these first few weeks without the friends i've got here. i count myself extremely blessed.

...that above all, God has blessed me beyond anything i could have ever imagined, and all i can do is be thankful and respond in worship.


At 9/11/2006 08:00:00 AM, Blogger Brent said...

How come I didn't get to see you THIS weekend, either? What's up with that?

At 9/11/2006 09:00:00 AM, Blogger kaylah said...

i came thru the dungeon...i came for 2nd service. i shall have to do my absolute best to find you next time i am in town.


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