so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"eleven times out of ten, i slip dancin in the rain"

i really appreciate my choir director more and more every day of class. he really is an excellent musician, and on top of that, he's just a good guy. so today...he comes up in front of the class first thing and has us sit down. and he tells us something along the lines of, "inevitably life is not just a straight line, it's a bunch of peaks and troughs, like music. and last year i guess was a trough year for me because even though all this cool stuff was done musically...i just didn't connect with the students on a human level. so i'm gonna read you an excerpt from this book written by an author whose writings changed my perspectives on life...because i don't want to miss out on connecting with YOU on that human level." the passage that he read us said, in essence, that life, like music, is not just all about one big sound. it's about the silences, too. and it's about the harmonies, and the differences between the loud and the quiet, and so much more....oh, it just went on. i wish i could put the quote here for you to read. it was a really exquisite picture.

to consider...that life is NOT just going, going, never stopping, never changing volume, never noting the beautiful differences in people. that you also have to learn to be still and silent sometimes in order to appreciate the movement and the music. that there is a time for the quiet and a time for the loud. that for work to have value, there also needs to be rest--and vice versa. that the differences between us all come together to create a beautiful symphony.'s beautiful, to consider that.

i want to be still just a little more often. i want to learn how to be silent just a little better. i want the wisdom to discern the right time for quietness or loudness or silence. i want to learn to appreciate rest and harmony.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manufests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." --2 Corinthians 2:14

"Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes delight in my ways." --Proverbs 23:26


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