so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

"yes we'll gather by the river, the beautiful, the beautiful river..."

went to go see our opera workshop's performance of an "Ode to Shakespeare" last night. it was uh-may-zing!!!! i loved it very very much! i am almost tempted to go see it again tonight...but i do have a lot to get done so i will just do my homework and cleaning. yay. :( lol so anyway, and i suppose this is somewhat due to the show last night, my dream was entirely a musical. it was something about how my family had gone dirt poor and had to move out of our house (of course, this was our old house, not the house we're in now...that's the only home i ever dream about still. weird). i had decided to become a penniless artist and was a quite excellent painter as a matter of fact. but for some reason the big bad guy (who happened to be friends with my brother...but my brother didn't know he was the bad guy, only i had figured it out) took all my paintings and laid them out in the pouring rain and they were all ruined. i left them with my dad, who was trying to fix them all, because i was trying to catch the bad guy in his evil scheme. obviously. and i see what his scheme is...but then my brother comes in! and asks him to help us move! so i'm trying to get a message across to my brother that this is the bad guy...

and then i wake up.

i know, my dreams are completely nonsensical. but for whatever reason, i felt like sharing that one with you! now you have to remember, the entire thing was a MUSICAL. song and dance all the way through. i know...wonky. but what can ya do?

so i woke up this morning to realize that i am in fact finally ill. i have that dreaded fall cold (sorry: "upper respiratory infection") that i await every year. i can see it coming for a few weeks before...and it lasts for like 6 weeks. ICK. but it's officially here, and i have to deal with it. so this morning i pulled out the box that's practically a PHARMACY that i brought with me so i could take some cold meds. and as i did...i felt like such a dork. cause i was singing to the medicine, in latin, "ad adjuvandum me festina, festina!!!" basically means come to my aid quckly. yes i am a choir DORK.

my breakfast tastes funny. GROSS.
have a nice day all!!! much love!!!


At 10/21/2006 06:26:00 PM, Blogger spartacus21 said...

so i'm not allowed to be sick but you are?!? what's up with that?


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