so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

ah, the life of a music major. seems that only music majors laugh at the truly unintelligent jokes. and on top of that, we have our own special "music humor" that no one else gets.

...only music majors start talking about music around non-music majors and don't even realize the other people have no idea what they're saying.

...only music majors would end up having endless intense discussions about composers or music theory when we go out for coffee together.

...only music majors are myspace friends with modern composers. (eric whitacre, anyone?)

...only a music major like myself would be able to confidently say that nearly every guy i know at school is gay. there are a rare few exceptions, but even most of these really are and haven't admitted it yet.

...only music majors stay up until the wee hours of the morning, not because we are partying or watching movies or anything like that...but because we are practicing. or crying because we just don't understand our gosh darned theory homework!

...only music majors watch movies a second time through because we like the soundtrack.

...only music majors conduct along with a piece of music instead of dancing.

...only music majors harmonize with the campus bell tower as it chimes every hour.

...only music majors not only enjoy, but anticipate long rehearsals.

...only music majors would let an entire day be "ruined" because they're frustrated about a music class.

...only music majors make music no matter where they are, what they're doing, or what mood they're in. singing, humming, clapping, snapping, drumming on desks...playing kazoos...whatever. we be makin music mon.

...and only music majors would write a blog like this one.


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