so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


can you tell me...

when i don't wear makeup, does that seem to you like i'm making some sort of a statement saying makeup is evil and you shouldn't wear it? or perhaps do you, like a normal human being, realize that makeup is just something i don't bother with for my own personal reasons?
can i make something clear? i don't think there is anything wrong with other girls wearing makeup. i don't waste my time with it because, for me, all it would be about is impressing boys. and i don't live my life for boys...i live my life to serve and love and glorify the Lord. i don't see makeup fitting into that category. so...i just don't wear it. i don't boycott it, i don't tell people who do wear it that they should stop. i just don't like it.

and as i've said before, i DO NOT believe that makeup is necessary for a woman to be beautiful. and when i say beautiful, i don't just mean "well, TRUE beauty comes from within." while it is true that there is a real beauty about the individual within once you take time to get to know is also just as true that all of us were created as masterpieces of God. and are all beautiful on the outside too. it doesn't matter if someone SAYS that we're not...if the Artist who created us claims us as His beautiful masterpieces, then my bet would be on all of us being exactly that. NOT bad...but also not necessary for beauty. outward or inward. so girls...stop feeling like you need to look a certain way in order to be beautiful. you already are, DEAL WITH IT. be glad in it, even! and guys...stop TELLING girls that they have to live up to a certain standard before you'll even glance their way. we all know that the one single standard (looking like the airbrushed models on magazine covers...) is neither attainable nor is it true. stop expecting girls to look like that, and stop telling them they have to. we DON'T have to.

PLEASE...could we actually start putting this into practice a little bit? can we teach the next generation of young girls to see the same beauty in themselves that their Creator sees, and not be afraid to share that beauty with the world?

ugh...i'm sorry...i could go on about this for a long time. issues concerning this have pained my heart for most of my life...
but for now i am tired, and need to sleep off this illness i've got for a few hours. i love you all...really, REALLY, i do. have a good it is when you read this. toodles.


At 10/22/2006 07:25:00 AM, Blogger Brent said...

I can tell you this: No more make-up for me.



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