so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"mountains in the sky are next to mountains anyway"

things that make me sad:
-my workout schedule has been not so good lately.
-my alarm clock forgot how to wake me up.
-i can't keep that cute kitten hannah and i found.
-i don't see tara walker NEARLY enough.
-in fact, i don't see any of those cool cats from spivey as much as i'd like to. (i miss you all!)
-since my schedule doesn't allow for everything i would like it thing i had to drop from it (pretty much before i even picked it up) was the spivery intramural soccer team. which is sad cause i love soccer even though i suck at it.
-the fact that i suck at soccer.
-being sick. GROSS.
-i spend too much time on the computer (something i am working to change.)
-sometimes there's just too darn much to do! and i am bad at handling that.

things that make me happy:
-i can change the workout thing, with the appropriate amount of effort.
-tara walker. (even if she IS sleeping through theory class. and musicianship. and piano. and...what? i'm sorry...)
-my roomie.
-all my good friends from music classes and chi alpha and spivey. even though i don't get to see you enough, at least i've got ya! you guys rock.
-rain--it rains a heck of a lot more here than i remember it doing in Flo Mo. and in Huntsvegas, when it rains, it FLOODS. (and music majors still go to class. :) ha.)
-i'm blessed with so much to do that i can't even juggle it all. difficult, and saddening if i look at it the wrong way. but a blessing. i was SO bored this summer. now i actually have responsibilities, decisions to to be done. thank you, Lord. (and plus, something not to be ignored...even though I can't juggle all of it the strength of the Lord you BET i can!)
-puzzles, apparently.
-taking pictures. lots of pictures, of anything. i like photography even though i don't know the first thing about it.
-writing. yeah. i dig it.
-singing LOUD. TOTALLY underrated, i don't care who you are. :)
-getting new music. i think finding new lovely music that i've never heard before just about rocks my entire face right off. yep.
-small group. i like it lots. and i'm going there shortly! yay.

i could continue these lists for a while and you could learn a lot more about me than you care to...but i will stop here. so yay! that was my blog for the day.


At 10/25/2006 07:01:00 AM, Blogger Brent said...

How does an alarm clock forget to wake you up? Not to sound pushy or anything, but it seems that might be defined as "user error."

As one who likes to defend the defenseless, and a big fan of clocks/watches, please refrain from blaming the innocent. It is terribly unbecoming.



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