so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"and this breeze blew in with a glitch in the tide..."

i'm wondering...

...when Christianity turned into Churchianity.

...why, despite my best efforts, for a year i let myself stay stuck in a big fat comfort zone.

...why i didn't listen to people about the comfort zone thing. they warned me about it, and i thought i was heeding their warnings, but...well, i forgot to pay close enough attention... much i've really underestimated the vastness of the Father's love. soon i will be able to get a summer job.

...if i will be able to tackle this next obstacle--one which i face with eagerness and determination, but still some fear of failure nonetheless.

...why i can be so fickle sometimes. people i love can change so much for the worse. much i've really changed and just don't see it.

yeah...i've got a lot on my mind right now. and don't take this blog the wrong way...i'm quite happy with all the events taking place in my life right now. the Lord has blessed me with joy in stressful times before, and He continues to do so now...and i'm honestly doing really well. these are just the things on my brain. bunch o' nonsense, mostly. it's pretty messy up there in my head. :)


At 5/16/2007 09:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even if people change for the worse, god remains faithful because he cannot disown himself. i'm grateful for this because i have a tendency to depend on others and have really high expectations for others...but they fail me, continually. i've realize(d) that he is always with me. nothing needs to be added to that. hope you're encouraged this day, my beautiful friend.

At 5/18/2007 06:27:00 PM, Blogger Brent said...

I think that Christianity became churchianity about 20 minutes after the events in Acts 2. My guess is that human nature hasn't changed much since Genesis 2, either.


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