so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

"my ship has set its sail, but still at shore..."

today i grew a lot.

you know those days? when just so much happens, some good, some bad, some neutral. and at the end of the day you're not who you were when you woke up. well, i guess that's kind of every day...but the days that are just so jam packed. maybe it's a matter of alertness, attentiveness to what God has to show you that day. maybe it also has something to do with obedience to Him when you are alert enough to hear what He says.
whatever makes this day the kind of day it was one of those days. and i grew a lot. my heart is just...full right now. it's a wonderful, yet overwhelming feeling, really. it's like...i'm relaxed and at peace enough to sleep now...but i'm also so excited about what God's doing in my life that i don't really want to sleep--i'd rather stay up late talking to Him.
somehow i get the feeling that's not a bad thing. somehow i get the feeling that you can feel just as rested (maybe even moreso) when you wake up if you spend most of your sleep time talking with the Lord as if you spend it actually sleeping.
i like that. i think it's pretty awesome. and i think i'd like to go spend the rest of my night sharing what's on my heart with the Lover of my soul.


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