so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Friday, December 08, 2006

"none compare to You; with my heart and mind and soul i'll praise You!"

sometimes people surprise you.
sometimes they know you better than you think.
on wind up with a situation before you that you never would have expected, and you just don't know what to say.
sometimes when you don't know what to say...that's because there either aren't any appropriate words, or the appropriate words need careful consideration.
sometimes we can learn humility through the strangest situations...
a lot of times in those same strange situations we can learn a lot about ourselves.

from time to get really, truly, thrown-off-your-rocker surprised. and you learn that the Lord deals best in what He had planned, not what you did. and you finally remember why you're always telling yourself that His plan is better. then, at least for a moment, you stop listening to all the lies being thrown at you on a daily basis...and you TRUST. you finally trust the plan that you should have been trusting all along. because whether you trust it or not, that's what's being played out in your life...and if you will trust it, if you will trust the Author of all hope...then you won't need to worry about pointless things.

last night i got really, truly, thrown-a-few-hundred-feet-off-my-rocker surprised.

somehow i don't think it will be the last time.

i am blessed.


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