so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

the beauty of the Lord!!!!

God is beautiful in so so many ways.
tonight i got to see His lovely art displayed across the heavens in the meteor shower. it was gorgeous, and i have to admit the whole situation was not what i expected. because, frankly, i expected to just be sitting alone with my roomie chatting away until the wee hours and watching the gorgeous shooting stars. but instead the Lord presented a wonderful opportunity. our suitemate, who is absolutely amazing, was with us in our room before we left and we invited her to come along. so we got to hang out with her and get to know her better! she's so sweet. love that girl. we also made some new friends at the observatory where we watched the meteors fall...even though we couldn't exactly see each other's faces. haha. but we made some great memories tonight. viewing God's mighty works in all their splendor together, and enjoying each other's company. i can't wait to see how those relationships develop after tonight, too.

and oh, how beautiful His masterpiece was! if possible i have fallen even more in love with my marvelous Creator. i finally got to reflect upon some things tonight as i gazed at His beauty...and always the conclusion is that the Lord's name is to be praised! that i am viewing things as so much smaller than they are...(don't i need to remember THAT more often.)

i have a piece of artwork that was given me by my friend, which hangs on the wall above my laptop. it has the night sky lit with stars, and written all around it is Revelation fond memory of a wonderful conversation we once shared. a conversation about how, for lack of a better word, awesome it is to think that we have set before us all of this glorious work of the Lord...His beautiful which even each star is called by a name. that's how much He cares for it. and one day, all of it, every last bit, will come down in flames; it will all be make way for--get this--a Kingdom far more marvelous, far more beautiful. a Kingdom that will never end. new heavens and a new earth...and it is all going to be BETTER. i don't know about you, but i thought this was pretty stinkin amazing. i am pretty awestruck already at the Being Who can make what we have before us. but the Kingdom He is preparing...well, this doesn't even compare to it.

shakeadoo. what a mighty, awesome, BEAUTIFUL God we serve! and how i love Him! for i know that He loves me.
thank you, Lord, for such a day as this one! and for every day before and after! Your name be praised unto eternity! :)


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