so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

a quick note to ask for your prayers...

loved ones...
my dad has been having some heart problems lately. it worried me from the start because, well, why wouldn't it? but i didn't know exactly how serious it might get. he went in for a fairly routine procedure today so that the doctors could see just how bad the blockage in his arteries is. one artery is 100% blocked and another is partially blocked. it was all explained to me very quickly and over the phone...but it's basically a miracle of God that he is alive. the doctors attempted to put a stint in the artery but there was a very high risk of blasting it open, resulting in need for emergency surgery. so instead, they decided not to do the stint. tomorrow morning my dad will undergo double, if not triple bypass surgery to remove the blockage in his arteries.
i won't deny that this scares me. i won't tell you that i'm completely fine with the situation...who could be? but i do trust in the Lord who has delivered us faithfully thus far, and will continue to do so. His will will be done. i am blessed enough to have circumstances which allow me to go home tomorrow morning and be with my dad around the time he wakes up. that, along with so many other things, i count as joy. and the joy of the Lord shall be my utmost strength in this time when i, admittedly, feel very weak.

<3 kay


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