so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Friday, April 01, 2005

it's april 1st!!! woot!!! i'm most definitely counting down the days till school gets out. i can't wait, really. no seriously. i finally got my dvds from beauty and the beast (alicia i will be mailing you yours soon!!) and they turned out alright. the sound wasn't that great, but that's ok. as i watched it, i was like.....i really want to do the show again!! i miss it so much!!!

agh! i very much dislike the start of a new nine weeks. i didn't do so well on my first pre-cal test this nine weeks, and since it's the only one so far it reflects greatly on my average. hopefully i can bring that grade up with this next test. **crosses fingers**

these next two weeks shouldn't be too terribly difficult. i will only be in class monday thru wednesday of next week, and only monday, thursday and friday the following week, since next week i have UIL (wish us luck!) and my choir trip to san antonio!! and on the 12th-13th i am visiting my bro in nashville and we're going to the mercy me/jeremy camp/the afters concert. it should be pretty fun.

i want to start being more of a morning person. i mean, don't you just feel so much more accomplished when you get up earlier in the day? it's a nice feeling. but i guess that going to bed earlier tends to go hand in hand with getting up earlier, unless i want to shorten sleep time. grr.

please pray for my headaches have been getting pretty bad lately, at least partially due to the lack of sleep that comes with returning to normal school life.

i think that's all i have for's off to bed for me!! goodnight all.


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