so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

wanna hear a funny story??

today started out fairly normal. i woke up, got ready for the day, and drove to school to take my last final exam of the semester--Anatomy and Physiology. i remember it was really difficult, and i was the first person to finish so i was kind of scared that maybe i didn't think things through enough. however, i was incredibly drowsy, and i honestly could not tell you what any of the test questions were. i'm surprised i didn't fall asleep right there taking the test.

when i came home, i went straight to bed. i'm pretty sure that i was out the moment my head hit the pillow. i must have been even more tired than i thought, and i must have been sleeping pretty hard.

now, in hindsight, i can tell you a vague idea of what i remember of this morning. but when i awoke from my nap at 12:30 i looked at the clock and literally started bawling. i forgot i had already taken the test...i was freaking out, just sure that i would have a zero on my final and end up failing the class. i ran downstairs and asked my mom why she didn't come make sure i was up in time for my final, and then SHE started freaking out. she kept saying that she remembered hearing me leave and come home this morning. so...we're both crying, and suddenly it dawns on me...i've already taken the test. then, of course, once i figured that out my mom started yelling at me for scaring her like that. i think both of us came very close to a heart attack...

so, it's funny now...but those were possibly the most awful five minutes of the semester.


At 12/13/2007 03:16:00 PM, Blogger spartacus21 said...

i love you!


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