i heart this song.
a song that i really like by regina spektor..."Apres Moi"...it has stirred up a lot of interesting discussion.
'I must go on standing,
You can't break that which isn't yours
I must go on standing
I'm not my own, It's not my choice
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
I must go on standing,
You can't break that which isn't yours
I must go on standing
I'm not my own, It's not my choice
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood (x2)
Fevrale dostat chernil i plakat,
Pisat O Fevrale navsnryd,
Poka grohochushaya slyakot
Vesnoyu charnoyu gorit. (x2)
Be afraid of the lame, they'll inherit your legs
Be afraid of the old, they'll inherit your souls
Be afraid of the cold, they'll inherit your blood
Apres moi le deluge, after me comes the flood
I must go on standing,
You can't break that which isn't yours
I must go on standing
I'm not my own, It's not my choice.'
--the Russian part is from a poem by Boris Pasternak, who wrote Dr. Zhivago. it translates:
'february. get ink, shed tears.
write of it, sob your heart out, sing.
while torrential slush that roars,
burns in the blackness of the spring.'
--the song also has some pretty spiffy piano parts, and i pretty much love regina's voice...so, yeah. idk why i felt the need to share that. haha
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