so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Friday, August 12, 2005

so...the task of assisting my choir director with the jv girls' choir has proved so far to be rather daunting. you see, my choir has 30 girls, mostly upperclassmen. this class that i'm helping with, however, has twice as many girls, and they are all underclassmen, mostly freshmen. they range from the 'sit-around-and-listen-to-my-ipod-all-day' types to the 'i'm-too-hyper-to-care-right-now' types to the girls who just think they're way too cool to even be in a room with all of these other people. i'm going to love working with them on their music and getting to know them...however, in the meantime, they are just more than even mr. shirah, alex, and myself combined can deal with. it must be all that left-over summer energy--but i just don't understand where it comes from. anywho...eventually, i think they will calm down at least a little bit. i hope. and pray. constantly. i am LOVING being back at school tho. as much as i may complain about boring teachers or dealing with 60 crazy freshman girls...i love it. i love the routine, and waking up earlier in the mornings (wow, did i just say that?!), and just everything about it. the whole atmosphere of school is just so cool to me. and, get this: i teach my first EVER piano lesson next week! it's gonna be a slow start until i get more students, but i'm just so darn excited that i'm earning money doing something i love and am good at. and i get to teach some good friends, which ought to make it fun and interesting! well, anywho, i'm apparently too tired to spit out another coherent thought so it's off to bed for me! i hope everyone's first two days of school were as fun and interesting and peculiar and altogether bizarre as mine were!!!! until we meet again......


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