so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

so the past few days i've had mainly school on the brain. i'm pretty darn excited. which is totally weird--me? excited about school? oh, well. it will be a really good year. i got to go up to the school yesterday and help my choir director with some stuff. also, my friend alex and i are going to be sort of co-directing the junior varsity girls' choir, so coach showed us some music that we might be doing with them this semester. there's one song in there that alex and i are both so incredibly excited about--it's really pretty. so after we left the school alex and i went to the library to look for monologues for musical auditions--we're doing peter pan! except i probably won't be able to be in it, because my schedule is just to full to add rehearsals after school every day.
i've also been doing some serious college research. i'm really seriously considering UNT, and as it turns out, my AP scores for english and french this year get me 20 hours--14 for french and 6 for english. and if i pass the AP exams i'll take this year, i could have as many as 32 hours. how sweet is that? and on top of that, we're going to check and see if anyone in my family is registered as indian, cause i'm 1/16 choctaw on my mom's side and 1/32 cherokee on my dad's. it's possible that my great-great-grandfather was registered, and if he was, i could get a lot of college money, which would be really nice. so i really kind of can't wait to see how all of that turns out.

anywho, random comment--for anyone who's interested, i think i've already mentioned this before but i'm going to be teaching piano lessons this year. i'm taking beginner students, it's one 30-minute lesson a week, and lessons are $10. call me or comment or something if you're interested!


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