so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

today was an interesting day...

i woke up at 9 AM to start cleaning house, because we had company coming. around noon-ish, my parents and i left the house to go meet said company (they're old friends from when i was a wee little kid) at Marcus, where their only daughter, who is my age, had a basketball game. spent some time with them this afternoon and ate pizza! have i mentioned how much i prefer american pizza to european pizza? cause i do.

around 3ish i left the house to go help anne move some stuff from her mom's house to her dad's new house. that was fun. it was really hot outside tho--yay for air conditioning! then i went home and fell asleep watching alias.

my brother (who else?) woke me up at around 6 and i left to hang out with heather. we got oreo blasts from sonic, watched some movies, and ate a late chick-fil-a dinner: we were the last customer...they were turning the lights off as we pulled out of the drive through. so anywho...big fun!!! gotta love it!!! peace out everyone.


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