so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

don't you just love it when teachers extend deadlines for homework? it's a great feeling, really it is. because it means that i don't have to do novel notes tonight...or tomorrow night, if i don't feel like it. but the freedom of knowing i've got a few extra days is really cool. i'm diggin it. we had class elections in choir. i've never actually made officer before, though i've tried to. today i was voted student director. it doesn't seem like much to the rest of the choir, but to me it's really awesome and a fun way to serve my class and use my God-given talents. see, basically, the title means i fill in whenever our director isn't there, or needs to get some work done. which is really cool. and of course i'll have to enlist some help from time to time from alex, who i think most likely deserves the role more than i do. she's a very talented singer and pianist, you see. and she made all-state choir last year (the first one from marcus in i think 10 years!), in case you haven't heard her sing and need some proof of how incredible she is. anywho...i'm excited about the job and thankful to have someone who will help me when i need it.

i bought some new books tonight, and i'm really excited about it. see, i get about as crazy about book-shopping as normal girls get i pick up gagillions of books off the shelves and look longingly at them before placing them gently back...and still ending up with 5 more books than i intended by the time i leave. but books are just...well...i just love them so much. i think reading has made a big impact on me, intellectually and personally. but yeah. i love it. nuff said.

i taught my first EVER piano lesson yesterday, and i teach one more (i think) tomorrow. i'm earning money!! heck yes!!!! and it's really fun, too. i enjoy it a lot. but at the same time it's weird cause i'm teaching beginners, so for me it really seems kind of like not much has been accomplished by the end of the lesson. at least, it seemed that way until my student told me that our lesson was the first time she had ever played piano reading music (she plays a little bit by ear). and i'm so proud of her, cause i know that's a big deal for her. it was so cool to see the look on her face when she said it. she was so happy, and very eager to learn more. man, i love this.


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