so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

the SAT is officially in my past now......and i really want to know how i did!! i think i did well. the test was easier than the practice i took this february--however, that could be because i actually remembered my calculator for this one!!! that should boost my grade up a little bit, thank goodness. the essay wasn't as hard this time either, and the reading seemed easier since i'm used to AP-style questions, which are a lot harder. so overall, the SAT was stressful, but easy enough. then after eating lunch with my parents, i came home and slept for like 4 hours (since i stayed up till after midnight last night w/ heathbar talking and watching Garden State, and i was completely exhausted!!). anywho, i'm desperately trying to avoid my research paper, while at the same time knowing that i have to have bib cards and notecards in on Monday and a rough draft due on Friday. It's getting down to the wire on this one, and i don't even have a set stance on which to base my paper!! we're supposed to read a novel (mine was slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut) and research literary criticism over it. sometime in there we are supposed to choose a theme or something from the novel on which to discuss literary criticism and give a stance. three to five pages long...and i don't even have one bibliography card completed. but i will by monday!!! i hope.....seriously, research papers need to be shredded and then burned in a huge bonfire never to be spoken of again.........


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