so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

"A girl's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a young man should have to seek Christ's heart to find hers."

for those of you who have been around me lately, i apologize if i have seemed a bit off. i regretfully admit that my heart has not been in the right place a lot recently, and i have been really working on some serious heart changes since the beginning of the mexico trip. i was just listening to this shane everett song tonight that talks about casting away all of the crap in your life and counting it all as loss so that nothing remains but an undying love for Christ. so that's my prayer for right now...that i could just cast it all off, and be left with an undying love for my Abba. so again, i'm sorry if i've seemed weird lately, and...well, i'm working on it. like i said the other day, praise God that i can know He will always be faithful. and thank you to my best friend for holding me accountable in my spiritual walk when no one else really bothered to. it means so much to me.


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