so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

houston was wonderful. almost every day since we got home, i keep thinking about how much i miss it. we did so much there that it felt like much more than one week. we went to a lot of different cultural restaurants, and i've decided that cuban food was by far my favorite. all of the food was good....but i really liked the cuban food. anywho......we went to different ministry sites every day, and they were all so much fun!! we went to a place called Sheltering Arms, which is a day center for memory loss patients--mostly alzheimers. all of the people that i met there were wonderful, and a few in particular taught me a lesson about joy. actually, joy was one of the main things i saw and learned about everywhere on the trip. we also went to a men's rehab center called open door and some children's centers. i think my favorite day was when we went to a place called the Read commission, where we tutored people twice our age and older on math to prepare them for a test to get their G.E.D. I got to tutor a woman named judy who was actually quite intelligent--she just didn't have the experience in math that we get. all of the people that i met were great, and i'm kind of sad that we won't be going back next year. anywho, i guess that's it for now!!! laters!!!!


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