so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

well, Bye Bye Birdie is now officially over. it's good, because it means i don't have to have all of the songs stuck in my head any more, but it's also sad. for a lot of the actors, this was their last musical at Marcus. so i guess i'm just relieved and sad at the same time. interesting how that works, huh?

it's so odd to think that i'm already at the last week of school. though it seemed to take forever getting through the year, as i look back on everything it seems like i was just starting off the year a matter of days ago. and now i sit here preparing for the final bit of learning i have to do before we take the exams. how interesting that one year can seem so long, and yet we find that, once we near the end of it, we don't have enough time to finish everything.....................


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