so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

ugh, what a hectic day!!! i crashed on the couch as soon as i walked in the door from school, and my mom just let me sleep. she didn't wake me up to tell me what time it was, just let me sleep and miss bible study. i know i needed the sleep, but i'm sad to miss our bible study. but, hey, it's almost the weekend, and i only have 15 school days left!!!! that's always exciting. (lol my english teacher has been counting down the days for over a month now). and also i've taken care of all the crap fixing my schedule for next year and whatnot, so no more of that to worry about. it's just a matter of caring about my grades enough for the last 15 days so that i don't let my grades drop. stupid grades......honestly, who does their best when we know the year is almost over and we're stinkin' tired from all that we've done so far?? still, i suppose i could at least TRY to maintain my grades (lol). speaking of which, i'm gonna go study for my test tomorrow!! wish me luck!!!


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