so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, November 22, 2004

so this week has been crazy. monday-wednesday i was having a great week......then thursday sucked, friday wasn't much better. but i've come out on the other side of something that will eventually not seem at all like the big deal that i thought it was....and i've come closer to God through it. like i said on thursday...i had some prayers answered, and i finally realized that i need God in a big way. and since thursday, i've had the most amazing couple of days with my walk. i got the hunger for God that I had been praying He would give me. i've been praising Him, and giving Him my worries.....and like i said it's been the most amazing past couple of days. i've gotten out my bible for what i thought would be 5 minutes and looked at the clock to find out i'd been reading for hours. i've been writing again....mostly songs, some poetry, and some random thoughts about God and life. I don't know that i'm actually any good at writing. but it is just so freeing to let my thoughts out on paper, and in music. since thursday i've written one song in particular, for which i only lack the guitar part--which might be hard since i'm not exactly very good at guitar. i've been messing around with it on the piano but that's not the sound i want it to have. short, God is amazing, and this has been the best week i've had in a long time. now i'm off to go write some more........


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