so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

it's been a really good weekend. i had region choir, which was awesome. i'm sad i couldn't sing with the mixed choir, but i still had so much fun being there with the treble choir. i think both choirs did very well at the concert, considering we learned three new songs over friday night and saturday morning, then performed them plus two other ones we already knew on saturday afternoon. the concert was really cool. by the way, the mixed choir did awesome, they sounded great. on one of the songs i just kind of sat back and closed my eyes to listen to it, it was so beautiful. and it all sounded even better since we sang in the Murchison, which has brilliant acoustics. anywho, it was a fantabulous experience. but i'm also kind of sad cause i missed out on nathan and kim's wedding.
today was also a great day. i got to hang out with some cool people that i haven't talked to at length for a while, so i was really glad about that. it's nice when you finally talk to people and find out they're going through the same stuff you are. it gives me someone to relate to. and i've got this song that i've been writing...i don't know that anyone else would like it, but it's cool writing's a nice way of getting my thoughts down on paper. and then the melody kind of gets stuck in my head, and i'll be singing the part that i've got so far all day, and sometimes i'll think of new parts and cool's fun.
anywho, that's all for today. laters.


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