so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Monday, October 25, 2004

i'm kind of frustrated with myself today. it's just one of those days where i can't finish anything cause i'm preoccupied--it's like the feeling that i've got something more important to do, except what i'm working on is what i need to be doing at the moment. i think my mind is on overload. probably an effect of the stress that comes from school, life, and extracurriculars that keep piling up every week. i don't know how i thought i could fit it all in. so now i'm having to figure out which things take the priority each day, since i find myself committed to four different activities all in one day. (i don't think i would have even realized that all these things occurred all at once if i didn't have my new trusty calendar to go by. it's sad when you run out of room on a half-page space for one day and realize you'll have to back out on half the stuff you've written down.) how did i get this busy all of a sudden?? i haven't relaxed in a while, and i don't think i'll have the chance to relax for another couple of....what?...days?? weeks?? i don't know anymore.

well now that i've rambled on for a considerable amount of time and you guys probably don't need to hear me complain any more than i already have, i shall bid you all adieu until the next time i sit down at the computer.


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