so....what now????

stealth bombshell.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

hmmm....long day. turned in my research paper. didn't get much sleep, so i'm not exactly very awake right now. still, through all the tiredhead and attempted naps during class, i did manage to get a small amount of homework done. somehow.
I think my flavorite song for this week.....or maybe just today, i don't probly twenty-four by switchfoot. actually, any song by switchfoot. they're pretty much all i've listened to the past couple of days, with the exception of some TFK and Third Day stuff. rock.
and, on that note, i'm gonna go--even tho it is extremely early for me to be going to bed, it is probably wise that i do so. unless i end up reading or something until 1 a.m. i need to get out of that habit. peace.


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